Document Type : Promotional


1 PhD Candidate of Civil Engineering, University of Zanjan

2 Master of Industrial Management, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Research Member of the Energy Research Institute affiliated to the Ministry of Energy.

3 PhD in Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense and Strategic Research University and Institute.


Khyber Bridge, known as one of the longest floating military bridges in the world, is made of sustainable materials against bombing. A number of army engineers and some others from Jihad Sazandegui were dispatched to the southern Iranian regions in 1984, and held a meeting aimed at building a bridge over Hoor Al-Azim. To build this floating bridge, all materials such as wood, metal, fiberglass and air blowing methods were discussed. Finally, a combination of fiberglass and foam was selected, due to the fact that they were suitable for filling the cracks in the joints caused by welding. Given that Kheibar Bridge is a masterpiece of engineering built in the situation full of all types of shortcomings and sanctions, it is necessary to study it to benefit from its valuable experiences; Therefore, this study dealt with the necessity of its construction and its method of construction first, and then, assessed its strengths and weaknesses.


Main Subjects

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  • دلگرم، محمد (1393). شرح فعالیت پشتیبانی و مهندس جنگ جهاد در عملیات خیبر، نشریۀ مطالعات دفاع مقدس، شمارۀ 51: 94 ـ 65.
  • عظیمی، حسینعلی (1390). بررسی شیوه‌های ساخت پل، نشریۀ سنگرسازان بی‌سنگر، شمارۀ 90: 39 ـ 31.
  • علایی، حسین (1391). نقش ارتش در عملیات خیبر، نشریۀ دفاع مقدس، شمارۀ 28: 30 ـ 15.
  • موسوی، سیدابوالفضل (1382). گزارش عملیات خیبر، نشریۀ نگین ایران، شمارۀ 40: 129 ـ 102.