Document Type : Promotional


1 Master of Persian Language and Literature (Sustainability) University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Master of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Sustainability literature is generally referred to as works whose main theme is resistance and sustainability; Whether this resistance is a war with a foreign enemy or against an idea or ideology. Shahnameh is one of the most prominent works of this type of literature. The story of Kaveh Ahangar is one of the stories of Shahnameh sustainability literature in which the conditions of the poet's time can be seen. It seems that the poet, by portraying the oppression and tyranny of society in this poetic story, has protested and fought against oppression, and the story of Kavohangar is the cry for justice of the people of Iran at all times, but also the cry of all oppressed people around the world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the story of Kaveh Ahangar based on the components of resistance and stability, in which we have tried to adapt the story space to the events of the poet's time and determine the dependence of the work with the poet's historical period. This study examines the manifestations of resistance and endurance of Kavan Ahangar and his people led by Fereydoun and analyzes the symbols used in the story.


Main Subjects

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