Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 PhD in Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Educational Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Due to the fundamental importance of public education in the transmission of cultural and social values ​​for basic age groups and its strategic role in the socialization of the next generation of the country; It is necessary to produce glorious content, in line with the precious teachings of the sacred stone of defense, and to transfer these values ​​to the educational texts of the Ministry of Education. Achieving this requires the creation of administrative, scientific and professional contexts, strategic planning and inter-organizational coordination and extra-organizational research mechanisms, to produce excellent content for placement in the texts and programs of the Ministry of Education. This research, in the framework of applied research, with a mixed approach and descriptive-analytical method, based on documentary studies, field observation and expert meetings, evaluates the place of education and values ​​of sacred defense in the educational programs of the Ministry of Education. Suggests strategic suggestions for achieving the real place of this knowledge in the educational system. Findings of the article, which are the result of joint actions of the Research Institute for Sacred Defense Sciences and Education in cooperation with the Research and Educational Planning Organization and the Basij Organization for the Underprivileged in 1996-97; It can be considered as a model for transmitting the values ​​of sacred defense to the educational programs of the Ministry of Education. Accordingly, the mechanisms of producing glorious content for more than 10 textbooks and reviewing and updating the two courses "Introduction to the educational values ​​of sacred defense" for all disciplines of Farhangian University are described and strategic pathology in two areas: "Programs "Educational and educational" and "structural and organizational factors" have been done and finally some suggestions have been presented.


Main Subjects

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