Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ardakan University, Yazd, Iran


The formation of a popular institution in the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran called "Basij" and the repetition of this experience in Syria under the name of "National Defense Forces" and in Iraq under the name of "Popular Rally", regardless of the meaning of a successful experience. This article seeks to explain the purpose of this paper by using the intentional-contextual hermeneutic method of Quentin Skinner. In this regard, the main question is "what factors affect the formation of popular mobilization networks in Iraq and Syria, and what were the intentions of Sardar Soleimani in supporting these forces?" Based on the findings of the research, the background for the formation of the Syrian National Defense Forces in categories such as 1- popular protests; 2- Opportunism of Takfiri Salafis and the entry of violence into the arena of protests; 4- Weakness of the Syrian army; 5. The arrival of the Quds Force and the use of popular forces is understandable. The popular mobilization after the sequence of 1- disagreement of the Iraqi Shiite community; 2. Structural weakness of the government; 3. Lack of fighting spirit of the classical army; 4- There was a humanitarian catastrophe and 5- The support of the Quds Force in mobilizing the Iraqi people. Sardar Soleimani also aims to unite the resistance forces in the short term, increase the legitimacy of Iraq and Syria, defeat ISIS and expel American forces from Iraq and Syria, and in the long run calm and secure the world system and the Islamic world, protect Iran's borders. One of the influences of the jihadist Salafis was to strengthen the mobilization of the Iraqi and Syrian people in the military-political class of Hezbollah and to achieve the goal of liberating Quds.


Main Subjects

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