Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


Assistant Professor of Management Department of the Institute of Holy Defense Sciences and Education of Martyr General Haj Ghasem Soleimani, Tehran, Iran


In leadership competency modeling, models that have a wide range of skills better describe and predict leadership performance. Today, human resource planning has changed to its competency approach, that is, competency-based human resource planning. Transforming human resource planning based on a competency approach requires a grand paradigm that changes the thinking of human resource planners about individuals and organizations in general. The purpose of this study is to achieve a model of causal relationships between these behavioral competencies of commanders. The research method is survey-descriptive. To collect and analyze the required data and information, first the research literature and the opinion of experts were collected. It was then validated using confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, the 13 competencies identified were structured at four levels using interpretive structural modeling. These levels are success, operationalism, creativity, and the fourth level, which includes the four competencies of persuasion, diligence, human resource orientation, and organization of activities and processes.


Main Subjects

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