Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article




The city is a great work of art that has creators of its size and population. The ultimate goal of a city is to create a pleasant and comfortable environment for the people who live in it. The desirability of urban space has become one of the fastest growing crises in the world today. The livable cities of the world are ranked in the cities of the world based on defined standards of quality of life. The reports of the world organizations for the classification of cities based on scoring in different indicators are considered and then the list of the most livable cities in the world is presented every year. One of the most important indicators in the field of viability of cities in the world is the security index. Accordingly, the present article seeks to trace the role and importance of the security index in ranking the most livable cities in the world. Therefore, the article examines the importance of the security index in this field by descriptive-analytical method and studying the various rankings that exist in this field. Findings show that security is an essential element and an important factor of viability in cities around the world and has an important place in all different rankings and theories.


Main Subjects

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