Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article




Islamic Republic of Iran and played an important and effective role in the war process, however, this role has not yet been fully explored and worthy of the brave Iranian warriors. Countries are not represented for the nations of the region, not even the people and officials of Iran.
In this research, there is a lot of reliance on documents and the researcher first uses valid domestic and foreign published documents to describe the diplomatic relations of the Persian Gulf countries with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ba'athist regime in Iraq. Has made its own library findings.
The results of the investigation show that the pro-Iraq countries did not provide much logistical and intelligence assistance at the beginning of the war, and this assistance was only limited to the agreements they already had with Iraq; But since Iran entered Iraq, they have increased their aid; But not to the extent that Iraq wins. At the end of the war, when Iraq reoccupied parts of Iran, they may have pressured Saddam not to stay in Iran and return to international borders. In fact, even pro-Saddam countries did not want a victorious military war. For this reason, after the war, when Saddam's military potential was greatly increased, they attacked him under the pretext of occupying Kuwait, and this potential was taken away from him.


Main Subjects

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