Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


professor Emam Hossein University


In this research, the defense and military strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the imposed war are described and evaluated and its developments are examined.
The method of conducting this research in terms of researcher approach is descriptive-analytical, and in terms of data collection technique is library and documentary. This research has tried to answer various questions about what and why to adopt defense and military strategies during the imposed war.
Overall, the findings of this study show that Iran's military strategies have been successful in preventing Iraq from advancing on Iranian soil, as well as repelling aggression and liberating the occupied territories, but Iran's strategy to end the war through a major destiny operation has failed, and made the war prolonged and eroded, reduced Iran's economic power, increased casualties and shifted the balance of power in Iraq's favor. On the other hand, Iran has not a successful diplomatic strategy during the Holy Defense era, and the war ended, not with the military-political initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but with the delayed adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 598.
Finally, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been able to maintain the country's territorial integrity with the strategies it has adopted and end the war after eight years by defeating Saddam Hussein and the Ba'ath party. But it did not succeed in receiving the war damages from Iraq, dredging Arvand, and rebuilding the villages of Abadan and Arvandkenar islands, and the groves of Khuzestan.


Main Subjects

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