Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Shahreri, Iran

2 Masters in Information Systems Management from Brunel University, London


Leadership is the most important factor in victory and defeat and maintaining morale and preventing psychological damage in war. The mystical and epic character of Imam Khomeini (as) had made him a unique leader and commander during the time of the Holy Defense, whose attitude, teachings and manners had an undeniable profound effect on the spirit of the nation and the warriors and their preparations in Had against enemies. The indescribable love and affection of the people of the nation and the warriors of Islam for them came from their religious beliefs. The warriors of Islam, in addition to their great love for the Imam, deeply believed in him. He is the successor of Imam Asr (AS) and enjoys the guardianship of the Infallible Imam and the dignity of religious authority and political leadership of the Islamic society. Therefore, in the framework of this belief, they accepted the guardianship of Imam Khomeini in the continuation of the guardianship of the infallibles and adhered to its provisions, and considered obedience and following them obligatory. The present study examines the effect of Imam's words on the elements of the teamwork of the warriors of the Khatam al-Anbiya (PBUH) camp in the holy defense, focusing on the operations of the Karbalais. The statistical population of this study is the staff of Khatam-Al-Anbia (PBUH) camp in Tehran who participated in Operation Karbala 5. Of this number, which is 21 people, 37 people were considered as a sample based on cluster sampling method and a questionnaire was distributed among them. The results show that the words of Imam Khomeini are effective on all 17 elements of teamwork among the warriors of Islam on the fronts of right against wrong. Imam Khomeini, with his words, gave them enthusiasm and self-confidence, and this led to the constant and tough presence of the people and warriors on the battlefields.


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