Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 University of Hormozgan PhD student counseling

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Imposed war as a stressor can lead to unfortunate consequences in human life. People who are directly involved in the imposed war and are somehow exposed to the trauma caused by this devastating disaster are the first victims of the war. The effects of the imposed war also penetrate deep into families and society. The families of the wounded, the disabled, the martyrs and the captives are the forgotten victims of the war. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of holy defense on the self-efficacy of war veterans in Ahvaz by survey method. The statistical population of the present study included veterans of Ahvaz in 1398. The sample size was 150 veterans who were selected by random and stratified methods. The instrument used in this study was a self-efficacy questionnaire. The results showed that the mean and standard deviation of self-efficacy were 52.44 and 7.09, respectively. The results of the study showed that the holy defense and a kind of imposed war, although it has negative effects on the mental health of veterans, but leads to increased self-esteem and value, sense of adequacy and efficiency in dealing with life issues, all of which indicate self-efficacy in veterans. Is back.


Main Subjects

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