Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article




The discourse of soft political defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran is evolving and orienting due to the soft war of the enemy; Given the concerns and emphases of the Supreme Leader in this regard and how to deal with it, the research issue is that the country has not provided a comprehensive and indigenous model for dealing with the soft political threats of the enemy and offensive actions against the enemy.

The main purpose of the research is to formulate a model of soft political defense of the country based on the discourse of the leadership, according to which the main question has been designed.

This applied research is a development that has been done with the foundation data method. In this study, His Holiness Leh's discourse has not been studied in full; Rather, the researcher has included the entries into the discussion by counting 145 related keywords, with the help of experts; In the process of conducting research, the researcher has prepared and distributed questionnaires entitled "Theoretical Sensitivity" from 20 experts in a targeted manner to the saturation stage. The researcher has used the data theory model of the Foundation for Islamic Research by Mr. Khanfir to develop the model.


Main Subjects

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