Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the Institute of Police Sciences and Social Studies.


Syria is one of the security subdivisions of the Islamic world in the West Asian region. The developments in this country have always been important for the Zionist regime. Accordingly, since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011, the Zionist regime has adopted various military and security strategies in response to the developments in this country. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the question "What are the military and security strategies of the Zionist regime in the face of the Syrian crisis?" Using a descriptive-analytical method, while briefly looking at the history of relations between Syria and the Zionist regime. The findings show that the Zionist regime, after bewilderment and failure to adopt a unified strategy at the beginning of the Syrian crisis, tried in 2013 to support allied groups in addition to assassinating resistance commanders and bombing their positions. A more serious presence in Syria and negotiations with Russia will prevent Iran from having a long-term presence in Syria. However, since 2015, Gideon's strategy has been on the agenda of the regime's officials, and so on. Finally, Momentum's more aggressive strategy from 2020 will replace Gideon's strategy, which identifies Iran as the most important threat to the Zionist advance in Syria. In this strategy, while emphasizing on improving the capability of the military intelligence unit and equipping the military forces with more weapons and better quality, it is emphasized on changing the structure of the army and forming the "Command of Iranian Affairs".


Main Subjects

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