Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, and Faculty Member, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Master student of political geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The Iraq war against Iran as a social phenomenon whose effects and consequences directly affected the Iranian and Iraqi societies and some other societies indirectly was one of the most important developments of the late twentieth century. Therefore, recognizing these effects is one of the issues that still needs to be researched. This study is entitled to explain the effects of the Iran-Iraq war on ethnic identity among the Arabs of Khuzestan province using a quantitative approach and survey method. The results show that the Arab tribes of Khuzestan, as in the past, defended the territorial integrity of Iran along with their compatriots during the Iran-Iraq war, and their loyalty to Iran was never denied, despite the Iraqi regime. Although the imposed war increased the awareness of the Iranian Arabs about their ethnic identity, it created solidarity between the ethnic identity of the Iranian Arabs and their national identity, and strengthened the centrist forces among them. The results also show that different levels of ethnic identity have a significant relationship between Arabs (social, historical, political, geographical, cultural). In other words, ethnic identity is not opposed to national identity.
