Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


PhD in Sociology, majoring in Iranian social issues and lecturer at Farhangian University


The warriors and high-ranking martyrs have performed the highest service to the Islamic society by presenting a lifestyle influenced by the school of Hosseini (AS). They renounced the dearest and highest divine gift, namely their souls, and consciously dedicated it to Islam. In this article, an attempt has been made to study the works, memoirs, and wills of warriors and martyrs, relying on historical, theological, and mainly sociological approaches, and using the method of document research. Then the most important examples of his lifestyle such as insight, justice, secularism and simplicity, responsibility and guardianship, independence, martyrdom, protection of the system and Amer to the good and the prohibition of the bad, to be extracted and introduced. It is believed that warriors and martyrs were the highest manifestation of the divine-Islamic lifestyle; Therefore, their behavior can be introduced to the learners as the best models of Islamic lifestyle in the textbooks of educational systems.
