Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Member of the faculty of Imam Hossein University (PBUH), Tehran, Iran

2 Instructor of Imam Hossein (PBUH) Officer and Guards Training University, Tehran, Iran


Sacrifice and martyrdom are among the concepts that are respected and considered sacred in all human societies by those who sacrifice and are killed for the sake of values. The culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom is one of the most prominent features of the divine religions, especially the religion of Islam. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and in the face of the comprehensive threats of the enemies of Islam, this culture created a special change in the life and cultural system of the people in order to defend the principles and foundations of belief. The thinkers and sympathizers of the country, led by the Supreme Leader, while considering the necessary measures, in addition to adopting various ways such as strengthening the defense and producing a deterrent force, considered the best way to promote the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom. Therefore, in the present study, while explaining concepts such as culture, self-sacrifice and martyrdom, an attempt has been made to examine the place of these concepts in the teachings of Islam and ways to achieve and promote the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, which should be considered as an important issue today. In the agenda of education officials and practitioners of the great country of Islamic Iran, which has unique geopolitical capabilities in the geostrategic and geoeconomic region of Southwest Asia, to deal with and repel threats to achieve Islamic civilization, in this article, first explain the key concepts, then The relevant axes are counted and in order to further enrich the research literature, the views of the Imams of the Revolution, Imam Khomeini (may God have mercy on him) and the Supreme Leader (Mudzalah Al-Aali) regarding the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom are explained. An analysis is used to collect the required information through library, Internet and documentary sources and based on the title of the article, research, description and analysis. In the fourth section, a theoretical framework based on the two concepts of "self-sacrifice and martyrdom" and "education" is given. In order to explain correctly and logically from the epistemological perspective of the Qur'an and how to cultivate and promote the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the education system of the country, while summarizing, suggestions and practical solutions are intended and presented.
