
Master of Persian Language and Literature, Head of Defense Readiness, District One, Rasht.


Students as a large segment of individuals in communities; They are the cultural and national assets of a country. The present study examines how to strengthen and enhance the national identity of students in the field of explaining and promoting the culture of sacred defense. This collection is a descriptive method and the study and analysis of works and ideas; First, it deals with the characteristics and components of good life during the period of holy defense as the center of fundamental change in thought and action. In this article, after mentioning the dictionary meaning of holy defense, identity and the word province, the meaning of it in a provincial and divine relationship is discussed and the source of its difference with war is explained. He then deals with the effects of Imam's heart and practical monotheism, which determine the monotheistic unity and fundamental transformation of war, and examines the sacred defense as a new creation of a doctrinal thought. He goes on to prove that the war has become a sacred defense under the jurisdiction of Imam Khomeini's provincial command and by practicing etiquette and access to Qur'anic aspirations. Strengthening and strengthening the national identity of students depends on deep thinking and recording and developing the culture of sacred defense, which ensures the recovery and reconstruction of their national identity.
