
PhD student in Educational Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the place of the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the curriculum of Iranian high schools with emphasis on defense training books. The design used in this research is descriptive-analytical. Descriptive research is a set of methods that aim to describe the conditions or phenomena under study and is analytical, that is, the researcher tries to interpret them by weighing and valuing the mental parts of the content that are not measurable. In the present study, the defense readiness books of the first and second secondary schools have been analyzed based on the main characteristics of self-sacrifice and martyrdom and its components. The data analysis method was performed using descriptive statistics (table, percentage and frequency) to provide a regular and acceptable image to the audience. The results showed that in the defense training books of the first and second periods, a total of 182 times the important and sweet discussion of self-sacrifice and martyrdom has been discussed and studied. They are valuable examples of martyrdom and self-sacrifice.
