
1 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Assistant Professor of Holy Defense Science and Education Research Institute

2 PhD Student in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Takestan, Iran

3 Scholar - Researcher of Political Science

4 Master of Political Science


From the very beginning of its formation, the Islamic Revolution paid special attention to the formation of a new Islamic civilization, and for this reason, it was always moving in the direction of the realization of a new Islamic civilization. Moving in this direction required attention to several components that these components have been considered at different intervals by Imam Khomeini (may God have mercy on him) and the Supreme Leader, Imam Khamenei (as) and have been mentioned in terms of time and place. One of these components, which has a special place in the realization of the new Islamic civilization, is the component of defense authority. Defensive authority or deterrent power is one of the components that has played a decisive role in the formation of the new Islamic civilization and its intensity and weakness are very effective in the formation of the new Islamic civilization. The Supreme Leader (Modzaleh Al-Aali) is well aware of the importance of this issue and the length of his management as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has always paid attention to this component. This article, with a research approach in his mind, intends to examine the importance and role of defense authority in the realization of the new Islamic civilization, and from this perspective, Fatah Babi to place this component in international relations.
