Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Professor of political science at Tehran University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tehran, Iran

2 Political Science - Researcher of the Institute of holy Defense Sciences and Education


Any regional conflict has an impact on the international political economy. Some international political economy theorists, such as Susan Strange, point out that many regional wars will be an organized attempt to regain control of economic resources. According to such an attitude, any attempt to control economic and strategic resources creates the necessary ground for the emergence of wars in new regions. Just as wars are intertwined with the international political economy, they are also intertwined with the political economies of the countries in the region and the actors involved. Iran's social and political life during the imposed war was influenced by the political economy of defense. The article uses a content analysis methodology and uses Robert Gilpin and Susan Strange's approach to international political economy indicators and regional conflicts. The main question of the article is what effect the imposed war has on Has the political economy of Iran left? »The article's hypothesis points to the fact that" the political economy of the Holy Defense led to negative economic growth and increased the coefficient of resistance and strategic capabilities in Iran. " And what can be referred to as a research finding is that; The imposed war paved the way for the activation of Iran's social, economic and strategic infrastructure, and although Iran's effectiveness diminished during the war, it did in the post-war period lead to the rise of political and social institutions and an increase in the coefficient. Economic growth and per capita income of the country.


Main Subjects

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