Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


faculty member


This article seeks to analyze the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the holy defense. The main purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the holy defense. The question is what are the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the holy defense? In the form of research hypothesis, it seems that the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the holy defense period were: revolutionary ideology, radical non-commitment, inspiration, export of the revolution, etc.

The research is of applied type and has been done by descriptive and historical methods. Research data were collected by library method and document tools and analyzed by content analysis method. The results show that the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the Holy Defense era were: revolutionary ideology, radical non-alignment, inspiration, export of revolution, balancing, regional defender, identity of resistance, modeling revolutionary action, geopolitical action and leader regional.


Main Subjects

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