Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


Associate Professor of Department of Law and Political Science south branch Islamic Azad University


The Mutual interaction of society, culture and holly defense

The social culture of Iranian society based on the “approach to countering threats” and “xenophobia” is an inevitable part of the Iran Iraq war. It related how to deal with the threats of the surrounding actors has always been part of the fundamental signs of Iran's political and social culture. The culture of dealing whit threats during the imposed war reflected its application in the process of mobilizing social groups. Iran was able to improve its position in the process of imposed war through structural integration and social mobilization.

The main question of the article is “social and culture play what role of shaping the general behavior of Iranian society during the time of the Holy Defense?” The article hypothesizes is “Iran's social culture is based on signs of xenophobia and confrontation with threats, which has led to the mobilization of social groups to deal with threats during the time of the holy defense.” The dependent variable of the research includes the subject of “holy defense”.

Components related to the culture of resistance, social mobilization and xenophobia will be indicators of independent variables. In this article, content analysis method has been used which has emphasized on value indicators, attitudes, social culture and behavioral patterns of Iranian society during the imposed war. Peter Katzenstein’s approach to “socio-cultural action” in the process of strategic crises is used to explain the research.

Keywords: Holy Defense, Social mobilization, Culture of resistance, Alienation, Interaction against threats.


Main Subjects

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