Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, University of National Defense and Strategic Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Defense Management, National Defense and Strategic Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran consists of four forces (ground, defense, air and naval) with a separate specialized nature and different operational space. Requiring the presence of various weapons, equipment and forces with different specializations and organizational culture to respond to the various actions of the enemy, requires an integrated and network-based command and control system that by developing secure, independent and stable communication infrastructure and creating unity, leads to synergy. Continuous planning, implementation, control, monitoring and evaluation of joint operations of AJA forces. The main purpose of this research is to enumerate the role-playing environmental factors and to formulate synergistic strategies of AJA command and control system in joint operations. Sample population of 74 people, field data collection method and library, findings were analyzed using SPSS software. Based on the research results, 19 factors (7 strengths, 3 weaknesses, 7 opportunities and 2 threats) have been enumerated. From the combination of the above factors, 12 desirability and 17 challenges have been obtained. According to the calculations of the characteristics of the strategic area in the offensive position is focused on strength, accordingly, 7 strategies have been developed to synergize the command and control component of AJA in joint operations. In order to implement the strategies, the four requirements of knowledge - resources - structure and rules and regulations are presented.


Main Subjects

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