Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University


Management and command are necessary for any collective movement. Among the successful commanders and managers is Martyr Ahmad Kazemi. This qualitative research explains the command and management model of Martyr Ahmad Kazemi through the data method of textual foundation and content analysis and seeks to provide a suitable leadership model for managers and commanders. By reviewing books, interviews, speeches of Martyr Ahmad Kazemi, open coding, axial coding and selective coding were performed and the central phenomenon of the article was examined in several layers including contexts, dimensions, obstacles, solutions, consequences and perspectives. The results of the research indicate that among the created fields are the basic factors (defending Islam and Shiite teachings and gaining divine consent), field factors (obedience to the Imam, following the leadership and adhering to thought and thinking). Imam and responsible), personal and behavioral dimension, spiritual and value dimension, command and management dimension, military dimension and among the successful factors of this great commander, knowing different tactics and strategies in different fields, stubborn and brave and combative and innovative spirit and accompanying speech with It was an action and sought national cohesion and independence of the country and raising the level of capability of the country and satisfaction of the right and keeping the flag of religion proud.


Main Subjects

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