Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


air university


Our country is one of the countries that face various crises, such as earthquakes, wars, epidemics of a contagious disease, etc. Among the crises that have been encountered so far were the Procrustean war. Although much research has been done aboute war, but research has not been done on the role of logistical support in defeating the blockage of Abadan This research is exploratory research in terms of purpose and applied in terms of type of use, and the data research method of the grounded theory has been used.Data were collected using non-probabilistic sampling with 20 Holy Defense fighters as well as Holy Defense researchers. MaxQDA software was also used to analyze the data. Based on data analysis, causal category including economic causes, geopolitical causes and ideological causes, central category including information management, transportation and optimal location of equipment and forces. Strategies including flexibility, synergy and reaction speed. intervention factors including command and control, manpower and equipment, and finally the consequences including political, social and military consequences. The proposed model can help to transfer experiences and values to future generations to play a more effective role in operational units and increase the country's defense power


Main Subjects

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