Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 islamic azad university science and research branch

2 Art university

3 a


The current study intends to examine the book of Avini from the perspective of the influence of spiritual and religious forces in improving the martial spirit of the warriors ; Therefore, to better understand Avini's effort in presenting the spiritual dimension of the warriors and its effect on their fighting ability, the intertextual relationship between Avini's words and religious and mystical literature of Persian language and literature should be taken into consideration. Using a descriptive-analytical method with a comparative approach, this article investigates the use of Avini's speech texts from the ancient spiritual and mystical texts of Persian literature and the effect of these beliefs on the fighting style. For this purpose, it considers the principles such as intention, certainty, sacrifice, and martyrdom as the most important spiritual indicators of the speech texts of the Avini, which have been manifested in religious culture and have had an effect on increasing the endurance. It examines the extent and manner of Avini's use of these elements to show the spiritual dimensions of warriors to strengthen their combat power and endurance. This study shows that the stronger the spiritual power, the more trust in God for the resistance and sacrifice of warriors against the enemies. The results confirm that Avini was influenced by classical mystical themes to describe his observations of war and gave these concepts a dynamic aspect and presented them in his work with a contemporary formulation with light of epic and meaning and has been used to empower the warriors.


Main Subjects

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