Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


professor Emam Hossein University


In this research, the strategies of the Baathist government of Iraq in the war with the Islamic Republic of Iran are discussed and evaluated, and its developments are analyzed.

The verification method in this research is descriptive-analytical and information collection is library, documentary and internet. The main question of the research is, what strategy did Iraq launch a military attack against Iran? Also, what changes occurred in Iraq's strategies during the war with Iran?

The general result of the article shows that Iraq, by adopting the strategy of "instigating war" in order to achieve the three goals of "amending the 1975 treaty" and taking control of Arvandroud, as well as "separating Khuzestan province" from Iran, also "taking away the sovereignty of the Iranian government from the three islands" "Abomusa, Big Tunb and Little Tunb were in the Persian Gulf.

Finally, in this research, it has been determined that Iraq's strategy in campaigning on Iranian soil has suffered a severe defeat and failed due to the all-round defense of the people and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Saddam Hussein did not achieve any of his goals of starting a war. The territorial unity and integrity of Iran remained, and the Baath party was also destroyed a few years after the end of the war, and Saddam also lost his rule over Iraq and was finally killed.


Main Subjects

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