Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Vice Chancellor for Research and Strategic Studies of the Holy Defense Science and Education Research Institute

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University

3 PhD Student in Public Management - Imam Hossein University


Extensive changes in the world and its profound effects on the interior of the country, emphasize the need to use successful methods of human resource management. One of the brightest moments of human resource management is the era of sacred defense. Maximum use of human resources, recognizing the characteristics of efficient human resources and creating a competitive advantage in the structure are among the most important indicators in recognizing the architectural model of human resources during the holy defense era. The present study is in the category of qualitative research and the method of data collection is the interview method. The mentioned data have been analyzed by content analysis method. The sample size is 11 people and sampling was done purposefully and continued until theoretical saturation. Finally, during the research stages, in the first stage, 90 codes were coded and in the next step, 33 categories of files were extracted, and in the last step and the final coding, 5 themes were extracted and ranked from human resource architecture. The theoretical narrative of this research was crystallized as follows: "The experience of eight years of holy defense is one of the most brilliant historical points of the country in terms of human resource management and architecture. "The themes of the Human Resources Architecture Index from the point of view of the commanders of the Holy Defense are: Believing in God, being young, being operational, being creative and being brave, respectively." Finally, suggestions for future research are provided.


Main Subjects

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