Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Associate Professor, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 National Security / Retired General Staff of the Armed Forces

3 Professor of Science and Knowledge of Holy Defense, Shahid Sehabad Pasdar Haj Qasem Soleimani, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research is to explain the strategic role of Nahaja in supporting the economic dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the eight years of holy defense, and since the research seeks to analyze a phenomenon that started in the past and ended in the past, in a historical way - An analysis has been done. This research is of an applied-developmental type and has benefited from two communities of experts and the community of experts. The size of the statistical population is 64 people, 19 of whom were interviewed or invited to expert meetings, and the rest were used to complete the research questionnaire. Data collection has been done using interview tools and questionnaires in both library and field methods. The research results show that Iraq's economy was almost paralyzed as a result of the performance of Iran's air force, and if it were not for foreign aid, Iraq would not have been able to survive against Iran. Because Nahaja had destroyed all his refineries and power plants. Destruction of Iraq's equipment and infrastructure, especially the oil and refining infrastructure, preservation of its own oil industry, and preservation of the country's territorial integrity, were the most important strategic measures taken in the imposed war, which made Iran come out of the war proud.


Main Subjects

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