Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


jundi_shapur university of technology, dezful.


Memorial architecture affects people in terms of shape, plan and design purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basics of building design in criticizing its architecture. The history of architecture has presented forms and structures in line with social events. One of the important contemporary events is the Islamic Revolution and the era of holy defense. Islamic revolution has important concepts in social, economic and artistic issues. Respecting the martyrs and fighters and trying for inter-generational dialogue led to the design of monuments, memorials and museums. The purpose of this research is the comparative comparison of war and holy defense museums. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the body, circulation and spaces by using case examples and using descriptive-analytical research methods. Based on the importance of the research and with the aim of identifying the design patterns of the museums of war and holy defense, this research tries to answer the following question with a comparative study: What are the physical-conceptual characteristics that shape the museums of war and holy defense? Results show; the war museums and holy defense museums are completely different in terms of content and form in such a way that the symbols, space creation and physical expression are inconsistent.


Main Subjects

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