Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


air university


The Baath regime of Iraq planned a lightning attack by making detailed calculations for a one-week occupation of Iran, but it faced the persistence and resistance of the people and the IRI Army , and it caused the formation of a special organizational culture in the IRI Army , which destroyed all the calculations of the enemy. It was the existence of this culture that even after eight years, the enemy could not capture even a single part of Iran's soil.The purpose of this research is Identifying and prioritizing organizational culture of the IRI Army in the defense power, first, identified organizational culture were by studying documents and libraries and research background.Then a questionnaire was developed by Delphi method with a range of 5 Likert options and was distributed in 3 stages among 10 commanders of the Holy Defense era who were familiar with organizational culture issues and organizational culture were identified using SPSS software.Then, in order to prioritize the organizational culture, a hierarchical analysis questionnaire was prepared and distributed among the commanders .The results of the questionnaires were analyzed in Expert Choice software and the Edgarshine's model were prioritized in three dimensions: fundamental assumptions, values and norms, and behavioral patterns and symbols.Finally, according to the research results, applicable solutions were presented based on research results.


Main Subjects

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