Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 استاد یار

2 دانشجوی دکتری مطالعات راهبردی دفاع مقدس


Considering the intensity of the combined and cognitive war against the Islamic Revolution, the promotion of the social capital of the Islamic Revolution has become more necessary. This, without a doubt, requires the use of the valuable experiences of the period of holy defense as a model for the maximum benefit of the social capital of the Iranian nation. In this regard, recognizing and prioritizing the factors affecting the promotion of social capital in the period of holy defense seems necessary and necessary.

The current research has extracted the effective components on the promotion of Iran's social capital in the sacred defense based on the views of cultural and social experts in the form of a questionnaire survey with a sample size of 37 people, and has prioritized and ranked their impact based on the superdecision network analysis method.

In this article, it has been concluded that in the order of the effect of the component of values, religion and ideology, social trust, social participation, social harmony and finally social mutual relations, the main components of promoting social capital during the holy defense period were and should be The promotion of social capital today of the Islamic Revolution should be given serious attention and attention.


Main Subjects

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