Document Type : Promotional


1 Graduated Master of Cinema from Tehran Art University

2 Faculty Member of Tarbiat Modares University


The present study aims at identifying and counting the tematicheski warlike patterns and elements, focusing on the temporal relations between Iran's Holocaust Cinema and the Hollywood War Cinema, and aims to capture three products from Iran's holy defense cinema and three cinema products America, to achieve this. The necessity of research is the lack of scientific discussion about an important part of Iranian cinema, which has a capacity to attract spectators on a national scale, but ignoring the characteristics and not knowing the expectations of its audience has caused its clustering and decline in some sections. The present study is descriptive-interpretive method and is intended to answer the main question that the war movie genres of the Holy Defense Cinema have the capacity to adapt to the thematic models of this genre in film studies. The hypothesis in the research was based on the fact that in the cinema after the Iranian revolution, it is the only holy defense cinema that has the ability to form a cinematic genre.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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ب) منابع انگلیسی
- Basinger, Jeanine (2003). The World War II Combat Film: Anatomy of a Genre, Wesleyan University Press.
- Beverley Ray, Robert (1985). A certain tendency of the Hollywood cinema, 1930-1980: Classic Hollywwod's Holding Pattern: The Combat Films of World War II, Princeton University Press