Document Type : Promotional


1 Ph.D. in Geography and Secretary of the Department of Geography and Holy Defense of the Holy Defense Science and Education Center

2 Graduated Master of Remote Sensing from Shahid Rajaee


It is necessary to explain the holy defense operations in order to acquire and gather experiences of commanders, experts and warriors of the eight years of holy defense and making use of these experiences in different aspects. In this research, in order to create a presentation management system for big operations of the holy defense it has been attempted to provide a database in the geographical location of the holy defense of these operations, which can make use of military information that corresponds to that period as a whole for interpretation, simulation of real operations and as a comprehensive reference for users and researchers. In this research, 19 big operational region of the holy defense include Operation Samen-al- Aemeh, Tariq-al-Qods, Fath-al-Mobin, Beit al-Moqaddas, Ramezan, Valfajr Moghadamati, valfajr-1, valfajr-4, Kheibar, Badr, valfajr-8, Karbala-1, Karbala-4, Karbala-5, Karbala-10, Beit-al-Moqaddas 2, valfajr-10, Beit-al-Moqaddas 7 have been studied. For this purpose, the geographical information base is constructed as a general background for each of the operation regions and its required layers of proportional to the operation range is extracted digitally. Finally, the geographical information system of big operations of holy defense was prepared and operational of geographical region of each operation were extractable. This system can be used in military organizations; research centers; scientific and academic centers.


منابع و مآخذ
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