Document Type : Promotional


1 Tehran University of art

2 دانشجوی دکترای پژوهش هنر، دانشگاه هنر تهران


Characters are inseparable parts of Holey defence memories. We tend to remember them more than places, operations and events. It seems like character is the most effective and permanent part of wars narrative. This dissertation studies characterization in “holy defence” animation series to define aspects of characterization and its relationship with narrative structure. This dissertation studies holey defence series –Shoja’an directed and written by Siavash Zarrinabadi, Hamsangaran directed by Samad Gholamzadeh and Written by Kourosh Karami & Legend of a brave Directed by Mahmoud Soltanpour and Co Written by him & Mansoureh Anvari- based on structuralist narratology, and theories developed by Culler, Prince and specially Seymour Chatman to seek weakness and disadvantages of characterization in those series. This is a descriptive-applied research with qualitive outcomes. The results suggest that prevalence of story events and narrator’s ideological attitude over characters and bringing the idealized character in the center of narrative has made the narrative structure less sufficient for characterization, which leads to more superficial, dull and passive characters.



منابع فارسی
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منابع انگلیسی
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