Document Type : Promotional


management group. faculty of management and military sciences. Imam Ali university. Tehran, Iran


So far, the great phenomenon of holy defense is not so much in the field of science and methodology. And the study of this subject can be the starting point for new scientific movements. Certainly, production of knowledge from a phenomenon called holy defense without engaging researchers with the dimensions of this phenomenon will not be possible. And of course, the association of academic methodologists and researchers, with the agents of the Holy Defense domain, can lead to scientific complementarities in this area. In this paper, by reviewing the abstract of 100 research and scientific-promotional articles, the methodological dimensions of these articles were identified and classified. To this end, it is possible to depict the state of the past on holy defense research, and, on the other hand, make suggestions to improve the research methods of this field in order to create scientific works.The final results of this study show that past research has been carried out in 16 axes, and their methodological values can be categorized in 9 main dimensions and 29 sub-dimensions. At the end of the article, conclusions and suggestions regarding the use of various research methods in the Holy Defense Studies are presented.


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