Document Type : Promotional


1 Directing, faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Directing, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The art of theatre in our country is known as an imported phenomenon. Moreover, as a discoursal phenomenon, it has always enacted a significant role in the growth and sublimity of human culture. War as a destructive phenomenon, that has accompanied humans since the beginning of their creation, has a massive influence on social, economic, and cultural fields, creating significant changes in human behavior, culture, and manner. After the beginning of the imposed war in Iran, Iranian theatre -backed by religious and revolutionary beliefs, the culture of resistance, and national unity - started a new path. “Theatre of holy defense” is a phenomenon resulted by eight-year-old imposed war. An event that is both created by war and at the service of it. Both influenced by it and influencing its goals, approaches, and strategies. This research seeks to investigate interactions of war and theatre in Iran and the services they have presented to each other. It attempts to study the relation between the phenomenon of war and the notion of "national theatre." to reach this goal, data collection been conducted through both archival and field studies. In archival study we are confronted by the following sources:
Written sources, pictorial sources، and acoustic sources. After gathering the given data, the field method has been applied (conversation with some of the playwrights and those involved in the area of resistance theatre). Eventually, after applying utilizing a qualitative methoud with Descriptive – analytic approach on the gathered data, the findings and conclusions are presented.


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