Document Type : Promotional


1 عضو هیئت‌علمی دانشکدۀ سینما تئاتر دانشگاه هنر تهران

2 Iribu


Documents made about sacred defense have characteristics that set it apart from other documentaries. It is characteristic of displaying the human characters that we see every day in our daily lives. Like the heroes of Western films, they do not have unparalleled combat skills. It is through this that the most prominent aspect of the "sacred defense documentary" are the characters and the warriors present. The focus of this article will be on this sacred defense feature. The method of this article is descriptive and analytical and attempts to achieve its goal by studying case studies of documentaries, including the documentaries of martyr Avini, until a film from the early nineties on sacred defense. The results show that the documentarians strive to emphasize the same characteristic of ordinary people who participated in the war with different jobs and positions, in addition to emphasizing and encouraging participation in the war, as well as being coercive and defensive. Emphasize the sacred defense. Focusing more on being defensive of war makes participation in war a humane, patriotic and religious task. On the other hand, the mission that Avini himself and his stylistic followers reflect on the presence of warriors on the battlefield considers his filmmaking to be in line with the work of the prophets and divinities. The pictured man is also, of course, different from that of the human being, and of Westernized philosophy.


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