Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


PhD Student, Lecturer of the Islamic Revolution, University of Tehran


One of the most central factors in the unity and empathy of the military and popular forces during the eight years of holy defense was the presence of Imam Khomeini. In addition to unity and empathy, he was able to manage the imposed war and advance the goals of the Islamic Revolution in those critical circumstances. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, this article aims to identify the basic components of Imam Khomeini's leadership strategy and to explain his operational role and managerial ability in the holy defense. The research findings show that it was a combination of two styles of managing the imposed war and crises and spiritual and religious management that was able to prevent Iraq from invading Iran and set a unique model of the Imam. Imam Khomeini's behavior during the Iraq-Iran war shows that he made good use of both methods in managing crises. Contrary to the perception of some who consider the Imam's management style to be individual or in direct contact with the people, he also used strategic management and believed in it more.


Main Subjects

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