Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

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3 PhD student in Political Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

4 Graduated from the PhD in Political Geography Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Food geopolitics is one of the thematic trends that has been raised in recent decades due to successive droughts and rapid population growth in the world. The geopolitics of food in Iran is of special importance due to its location in the arid and semi-arid situation of the world and on the other hand, constant external threats, such as military attack or economic sanctions. The present study seeks to answer the question of what are the most important components of food geopolitics by using descriptive-analytical method and using library resources and field research? SPSS statistical software and Friedman ranking test were used to analyze the findings of the questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire showed that in the territorial dimension (geographical location), in the demographic dimension (quantity and quality of population), in the economic dimension (high value food production), in the socio-cultural dimension (combination of urban and rural population and food production) In the political dimension (production protection policies), in the defense-security dimension (ensuring public health) and in the scientific-programmatic dimension (production technology), they are considered as shaping and effective variables in the geopolitical formation of food.


Main Subjects

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