Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی

2 شورای عالی فضای مجازی کشور


The current of domination, in continuation of its constant confrontation with the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in parallel with the real space, has drawn the strategy of weakening the popular support of the system through cyberspace, and by using social technologies. The responsible agencies in the Islamic Republic of Iran must take the necessary action with proper knowledge and in the face of the phenomena affected by cyberspace. This requires a template.The main purpose and question of the present study is to introduce a strategic model to prevent the security of phenomena affected by cyberspace. The research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it is combined or mixed. The statistical population in the qualitative part includes ten experts and university professors in the field of cyberspace and crisis management who were selected using purposive sampling method and theoretical saturation principle. Also in the quantitative part, 130 people including managers and level experts Different trustees were selected using stratified random sampling method. Data were collected in the qualitative part using in-depth interviews and in the quantitative part with a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability (0.79) were also confirmed.The results showed that the components of the mentioned strategic model are 20 components in 4 dimensions including: cyber governance, cyber intelligence aristocracy, cyber security management and macro environmental factors.


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