Document Type : Promotional


Faculty Member of Imam Hossein University, tehran, iran


Environmental impacts have increased the growing awareness of the customers needs. people with different tastes, needs and experiences, and according to their capacities and limitations decide to choose. With the advent of Competitive atmosphere, concepts such as customer orientation and customer satisfaction, became the foundation of the business and the organization that ignores these developments is excluded from the market. Understanding this need in the field of culture and holy defense, which forms an important part of the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran is becoming more and more important. In fact, in order to attract people's attention to the study of holy defense books, it is essential that the factors affecting this important issue be investigated. Accordingly, this research investigates the factors affecting the marketing mix of holy defense books. Therefore, its approach is descriptive and of a survey type. The statistical population of the study is book buyers in Tehran, sample size was 384 people selected according to Morgan table. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods and confirmatory analysis and path analysis were used.


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