Document Type : Promotional


1 Ph.D in Political Sciences, Assistant Professor in Geographical Sciences College at Kharazmi University.

2 Ph.D in Political Geography, Surveying College of the Armed Forces Geographical Organization.


The Iran-Iraq war, which lasted about eight years, covered an area more than 1600 kilometers, triggered one of the greatest wars of the twentieth Century. The operational scope of this war covered different characteristics of human and natural geography within which different types of military operations took place. Apart from the geographical area, this war had different characteristics as well. At the outset of the war, one side was making a transition into a people-led revolution, while the other was in a state of stability and peace. Also, while one side enjoyed the relative supports of the world, the other was being confronted by large parts of the international community. It was in such a situation that military victory required principles of war, not to mention the principles of military geography to be implemented properly and taken into account. A more exact analysis of how the war proceeded, casts a light on the extent to which the foundation principles of military geography had been followed in both fronts. This article tries to analyze the way the general principles of military operations were applied by either side engaged in the war by enumerating the characteristics of military operations launched by the two sides.


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16.«آمادگی برای حمله در سه جبهه»
