Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 imam husein University

2 a

3 Imam husein University


The Zionist regime is always trying to gain extensive intelligence and security influence among the countries of the region by taking advantage of many and diverse tools. Actions that have also found new aspects in recent years. The problem of this article is to investigate the intelligence and security strategies of the Zionist regime in the region after the Islamic awakening. In terms of its purpose, the article is a part of applied research, and in terms of its method, it is descriptive-analytical. The data was obtained from library sources and for completion, an interview was also conducted with 6 experts. The findings showed that the intelligence and security strategies of the Zionist regime in the region included diverse and numerous elements and actions, which included infiltrating military and security structures, supporting separatist groups, weakening and damaging the resistance front, creating insecurity, establishing secret relationships with some The countries of the region have been supporting terrorist groups and sabotage within the countries.


Main Subjects

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