Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


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2 Command and Management Faculty and Research Institute (Dafos)


The future war and drawing a clear picture of it has always created problems for strategists and analysts of military issues. Success in drawing a picture close to what will happen and preparing for it will give a great advantage to any country. It is important to look at the future war from the perspective of readiness and support. Preparedness and support in the holy defense is considered as a wonderful experience, a combination of different generations of wars, and it is necessary to use the experiences of this battle and other contemporary wars that happen continuously. On the other hand, in order to respond to the various scenes of an upcoming battle, there is a need for different preparations and support in order to provide the power to confront and direct all kinds of conflicts and wars in the domestic and cross-border dimension. In this article, according to the experiences and scientific learnings of preparation and support in holy defense, as well as the analysis of contemporary battles, the proposed features of preparation and support for future wars are stated. This research is applied in terms of type and descriptive and survey in terms of method and is conducted in a combined (qualitative-quantitative) manner. In this research, the method of qualitative content analysis as well as the method of paired comparisons was used to prioritize the characteristics of readiness and support for future wars. And finally, using pairwise comparisons, the number of ten features has been presented.


Main Subjects

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