Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


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As unique and enduring epics were seen during the Holy Defense period, and the supreme leadership has repeatedly mentioned it as a model of efficient management and a way forward for solving the country's future problems. In the current situation, this model can be used to deal with sanctions and realize the second step of the Islamic revolution. This research seeks to identify and analyze jihadi management based on the performance of the Imam support and relief headquarters (Islamic Revolution Committee employees) in war-torn cities as a development model for the future. This research is exploratory in terms of its purpose and its method is descriptive-analytical. The method of data collection is also the analysis and review of interviews (with commanders and employees of the Islamic Revolution Committee, the Imam Relief Committee) and written sources such as the book of Red Dangers (1 and 2), the oral history of the Peshibani and Imam Imam (RA) headquarters, articles and documents related to Jihadi management and the life of commanders of defense have been sacred. By examining and analyzing the data, the basic, organizing and inclusive themes were obtained. The style of jihadi management of the support and rescue headquarters in war-torn cities with emphasis on the Islamic Revolution Committee based on three indicators of personality characteristics. It provides management qualities and leadership qualities that can be used to take an important step towards designing indigenous patterns for the future.


Main Subjects

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